What we offer

Our focus areas:

Engagement and Change Strategies

We specialise in the utilisation of innovative digital and in person social technologies, structures and processes that generate inclusive, and transparent forms of collaboration, while adding quality to collective participation, and decision making.

Organisations consider our services when:

  • There is a need to develop engagement and evolving strategies best suited for the organisational direction, strategy and context.

  • There is a need to design, develop and facilitate and/or co-facilitate group processes to support collaboration towards a purpose or outcome eg. New Operating Models, workplace transitions, or technology driven transitions

  • To facilitate future focussed awareness sessions.

  • Facilitate organisational workshops to generate insights and perspectives around complex issues.

  • To design and facilitate online workshops using various forms of technology to optimise participation and learning.

  • Conduct workshops to learn facilitation skills and process thinking for internal capacity building.

Project Management

Using an integrative project management framework we consider both the technical and behavioural aspects of project objectives. We project manage organisation transitions that require a shift in how people work.

Taking on the role of working partner or project lead, we assist in designing project, architecture,  change and learning strategies to best enable your people, and support the organisational learning and transition objectives. With experience in both greenfield and brownfield operational environments, developing learning frameworks requires a pragmatic approach to what is required, and a delivery strategy that supports the organisational culture, roles, within a project timeframe. We consider the competencies and behavioural aspects of key roles, communities of practice, and key infrastructure to support, manage, record and articulate learning progress towards a successful project outcome.

Organisations consider our services when:

  • There is a need for a project management to support an organisational design, information systems, technological change or restructure that will impact the way work is done.

  • Organisational wide learning is required to support the organisational strategy.

  • A project focussed learning strategy for a green or brownfield project is required leading towards the commissioning of new or expanded operations.

  • An integrated HRIS (Human Resource Information System) or Learning Management System (LMS) needs to be scoped, configured, and implemented

  • Learning and capability requirements for various roles need to be developed and validated.

  • Legal and compliance training needs to be recoded and validated with real time data.

  • Scaffolding and setting up temporary structures, processes and networks for experimentation and prototyping.

  • Review workflow, structures and processes that might inhibit or enhance the organisational adaptability and decision making.

  • Designing people processes where learning is implicit in the work.

Thinking Partnerhips

We bring a journey of practical experience in supporting change and organisational thinking. Complexity can feel overwhelming, and many journeys inside organisations can place additional demands on people with less time and space to reflect and find a way unique to the organisations context.

Organisations and individuals consider our services when:

  • They need collaboration to formulate plans and internal strategies

  • Consider options and test ideas

  • Coaching and support for adopting new process and practices

  • Run workshops on systems thinking and practices

Different roles, careers and life values emerge in various phases of our lives. What once was important might change. A new role at work might require different competencies and a shift in perspective. In recognising a changing sense of self and identity and keeping a compass towards our own sense of self, requires habits of focus, reflection and relationship feedback. We assist with various personal strategies to assist role, career and life transitions.

Organisations and individuals consider our services when:

  • Reviewing skills and competencies in meeting the future requirements

  • Organisations are managing a separation processes and need assistance to managing transition and outplacement

  • Dealing with a shift in their own complexity, life transition or event.

  • Need a reflective partner in exploring their own perspectives and sense making.

Career and Life Transitions

Organisations that are shifting to vitalise instead of extract need to find different ways to structure work and articulate values, while increasingly meeting multiple purposes. How they relate, focus, scaffold structures, and form habits towards coherence, looks and feels different. We work with organisations to redefine purpose, and develop the practices and processes informed by complex living systems and shift away from framing organisations primarily as complicated machines. The more networked an organisation, the more important the flow of information, transparency and how decision making takes place.

Organisations consider our services when:

  • Refactoring complexity in workflow to lower action thresholds when bureaucracy stifles decision making

  • Alternative forms of organisation, operating models and patterns of decision making is considered

  • Transitioning between organisational practices of control towards practices of contribution

  • The conditions necessary for increasing distributed participation and decision making.

  • Introduce alternative decision making protocols for increased autonomy and accountability

  • Designing for value stream flows.

We partner with various organisations across the world to support the right fit for each client within the evolutionary life cycle of their organisation

Organisational Design

Our assumptions and knowledge about the world and work is much wider than the boundaries of an organisation or the many roles we play. It does not need positional power or hierarchy to influence. It is by way of being informed by inter contextual experiences. The lens through which we look at the world tends to return and confirm our biases and evolves daily. In looking at our assumptions we start to question the results and patterns that we bring to our wok. Now more than ever, a leader’s capacity to integrate and make sense of complexity requires a fluidity that includes the observer, self-awareness, and the capacity to supports the generative conditions for learning, inclusion and care for others. These are necessary conditions for creativity and innovation. We help in the development of competencies that recognises patterns in organisational processes and events in the broader environment. This is not work designed for single purposed outcomes or meeting organisational objectives and takes on a wider view of the world and our participation in it. 

We offer custom designed leadership journeys for leaders across all levels of the organisation, building on well researched findings from ecology, consciousness, cognitive science, psychology and complexity. Helping leaders become comfortable in allowing natural systems processes of learning to unfold and therefore creating the conditions for connectedness, cohesion, creativity and innovation while acknowledging to boundaries and constraints relevant to a context. 

In our programs we look at the following key themes:  

  • Helping people to become aware and explore of their sense making process.

  • Uncovering patterns in which we generalise and construct meaning. 

  • Understanding the implications and impacts and how it might affect individual, teams and our participation in it.

We partner with the best local and international thought leaders and authors to co-deliver custom designed journeys to enable a living experience of leadership in action. 

Epistemological Awareness